Monday, November 22, 2010

The November 22nd meeting

Mayor Bill Weber opened the meeting at 5:31 pm, with the invocation given by Councilman Don Baker. About 25 visitors were present initially, but that number grew in the next 10-15 minutes to perhaps 40 (a full house). One Council member (Dr. Scibielski) was absent due to traveling.

The first agenda item was the financial presentation by Finance Officer William Klump. A few high points: less water was sold this year because it was a rainy year, resulting in about $340k less utility income, but the utility fund still ended with a $90k surplus. The City brought in $378k in hotel occupancy tax. The general fund ended with a $266k surplus, which the City moved to a contingency fund for the next fiscal year, as in years past.

Item 2 was a presentation by the Woodway Public Safety Association of the proceeds of the 37th Annual Barbeque to the City. This year they were able to donate $16,000 toward new fire equipment. Lieutenant Ray Dobbs and Captain Bret Crook made the presentation. They also took this opportunity to honor Council member Gil Lillard with a plaque for his work toward making the BBQ a success. On several occasions, Gil recruited his extended family and others (including me once) to hand out flyers around Woodway neighborhoods. He also donated at least one large banner-type sign to go over Estates drive to advertise the event. Gil is a huge supporter of our police and volunteer fire personnel. And Ray Dobbs is as good and honest a guy as you'll ever meet.

Agenda item 3 was to hear from visitors. First, Mike Skains, a local Attorney, came to speak on behalf of his in-laws (the Ropers). The issue was the habitual neglect of mowing of the land that was previously the Western Oaks golf course, now being developed into a housing area. Contrary to a letter the owner/developer Mark Felton distributed in 2005, parts of the property are rarely mowed. This is in violation of ordinances. City Manager Yost Zakhary said that the City would, as necessary, begin mowing it (at a cost of several thousand dollars each time) and placing a lien against the property.

Then Pat Kultgen of Lorena came to speak in support of a Special Use permit for Ullja Kuntze. This was a bit premature, since the hearing on that matter was a separate agenda item. (see below)

Item 4 (Executive Session) was canceled because no executives were present. (little joke there) The City Attorney was either unable to be present or not prepared to discuss a legal issue involving the Hwy 84 well rehabilitation.

Item 5 was a public hearing and action on a request by Ms. Ullja Kuntze for a new special use permit for a home occupation in a residential zoning area. Ullja was requesting a permit to allow "Garden Club meetings, organically grown seedlings and supply sales" from her home, which is in a cul de sac. As a public hearing, parties were invited to speak in favor or in opposition to the request. First, Ullja and four others spoke in favor of the permit. Ullja referred to the benefits of organically grown "chemical-free" food, and once or twice implied that opposition to her permit was motivated by those who are committed to the domination of chemical and pesticide-laden food. After Ullja, former Council member Tom Oliver made a strong statement in support. After each person spoke in support, there was applause by about 8 or so of those present.

Then three people spoke in opposition, all near neighbors of Ullja. When a special use permit is requested, the City invites all near neighbors (with property within 200 feet) to comment. If 25% are opposed, by ordinance the request is automatically denied unless a supermajority of the Council (five of the seven) vote in support. In this case, 100% of the near neighbors were opposed, strictly because they felt that commercial activity would compromise the residential character of the neighborhood. There was no applause after each person who spoke in opposition, even though I believe those in opposition were the majority of those present (just more polite). During the third speaker's (Walter Grisham) presentation, he mentioned that he was in no way opposed to natural foods. At that point, Ullja disrupted the speaker with a hacking cough, apparently indicative of her maturity and respect for the proceedings.

Then Mayor Weber closed the public hearing, and opened Council discussion. Council member Don Baker said that special use permits should be reserved for activities that are nearly indistinguishable from, say, inviting guests and visitors to one's home. He gave the example of a wedding planning business. Then Council member Jane Kittner pointed out that there were two distinct issues, that of hosting a garden club versus retail sales. Then Council member Scott Giddings pointed out that this was the first time he had seen any opposition to a special use permit in over a year on the Council. He was describing what it was about this application that he opposed when Ullja began responding/interrupting him, very inappropriately. It was bad enough that I was expecting a police officer to remove her from the room. About then, Ullja made her "surprise announcement" (promised to supporters by email the week before) that she would be hosting garden parties at her home open to everyone, and the guests would be parking all over her cul de sac. Then Ullja made a rude and noisy exit. She would have been ejected from the proceedings had she not left voluntarily. I then mentioned that organic gardening training in a non-commercial venue could easily be done through the Arboretum; similar events happen there all the time. The Council voted unanimously to deny Ms. Kuntze's request.

By the way, Ullja made a point that "everyone" would be free to attend her parties. To date, I understand that she has banned four vendors and over a dozen members from her group. I happen to know that the banning of one member from her food bank group was done apparently because this person holds pro-life beliefs. It seems that Ullja's brand of open-mindedness only extends to those who agree with her.

Item 6 was renewal of a special use permit by KWKT-TV to operate communication equipment within the City. Given that there were no complaints, the request was approved unanimously.

Item 7 was for renewal of a special use permit by Verizon to operate a communication tower in Woodway. The only interesting aspect of this was that this tower had recently become a major hangout for vultures. A photo was provided to the Council that showed at least 23 roosting on the tower! Unfortunately, the photo was too poor to post here. But they promised to use bird-be-gone spikes to clear them out (apparently this has worked well in other places). The Council approved a 6-month permit. We'll check back then to see how the bird problem is going. There was concern that they may find new and more troublesome roosting places. I had a colleague that had a terrible problem with vultures in Woodway just over a year ago. (no, you are not allowed to shoot them.)

Item 8 was the second hearing on an application to build a facility for specialized wheelchair construction and modification (see the November 8th meeting). Passed unanimously.

Item 9 was the "consent agenda", items needing Council approval. This included the minutes of the last meeting, video equipment for three new and two existing patrol cars, emergency repairs to the Hwy 84 well, and "codification services" (professional help with ordinance wording). All approved unanimously (the vote to approve was agenda item 10).

Item 11 was year end budget transfers (mentioned in item 1 above). Approved unanimously.

Item 12 was the radio communication update. The federal government has mandated (but not funded) radio equipment that operates on a much narrower band than previous equipment did. This (a) allows the government to sell bandwidth, and (b) requires that the City (actually, all cities) buy new equipment. Yost Zakhary has been aware of this and saving funds accordingly, but the City's radio repeater recently failed. Replacing this now would add about $200k to the overall cost of the transition. Contingencies are being explored by Captain Bret Crook, to be reported at the next meeting.

Item 13 was an overview of the City budget, requested by Mayor Weber. Having significant experience in military budgets, Mayor Weber is encouraging more discussion and analysis of the City budget than has generally been done in the past. This is an ongoing emphasis, leading into the next budget preparation.

Item 14 was an update/discussion of review of the City Charter. So far, six members have been chosen to serve on what will probably be a 7-member panel to work of updating the charter.

Item 15 was the City Manager's report. I asked if the City had a long-term plan to take over maintenance, etc., of Elysian Lane. The answer was, no, these privately-owned streets are far below current code, and the City sees it as a very poor use of resources to do the necessary very expensive upgrades. If the residents and/or owner of the property were to bring it to code the City would consider assuming responsibility for the streets, etc., there. This very thing happened in Sugar Creek awhile back.

The meeting adjourned about 7:35 pm.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pet Microchip Day results

November 13th was Pet Microchip Day in Woodway, where pets could be permanently identified at a reduced cost. This was Animal Control Officer Albert Lopez' idea, and one reason he was awarded the Innovation Award at the annual appreciation/recognition banquet (see previous post). Albert told me that 23 pets were microchipped. He hopes for a bigger turnout next year, so look for announcements of the event, probably next fall.

Woodway Employee Appreciation and Recognition Banquet

Woodway held a very enjoyable appreciation banquet this evening. Some employees (esp. public safety officers) had to work, but most everyone was in attendance. City manager Yost Zakhary presided, recognizing various City employees and making awards, too numerous to list completely here. But I'll mention a few that were given to people I happen to know. Natalie Edwards was recognized for 5 years of service, and Jennifer Canady for 10 years with the City. Kasia Redden earned one of the Customer Service Awards. Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer Albert Lopez earned the Innovation Award. Arboretum/Family Center Manager Janet Schaffer earned the Leadership Award. City Secretary Jeniffer Canady earned the Outstanding Service Award. Yost said, in part, that Jennifer had "triumphed through an especially challenging year, always with a smile." Which is very true. Jennifer Canady, Natalie Edwards and Donna Barkley are the sunshine around the City Council meetings. The City Manager Achievement Award went to Financial Officer William Klump. Many of the Woodway volunteers were also honored, including Beau Crosby, Ray Dobbs, Bert Hernandez and Wayde Hartman (Volunteer of the Year). Officer of the Year was Sgt. William Hitch. The food was great, catered by Big Daddy's. Some photos are shown below.
(left to right): City Attorney David Cherry, City Manager/Police Chief Yost Zakhary, Mayor Bill Weber and his wife Robin, and Lieutenant Bert Hernandez.
Animal Control Office Albert Lopez and his wife.
(left to right): Megan Salinas, Kasia Redden, Jennifer Canady, Donna Barkley and John Norman.
City Engineer Mitch Davison and Yost Zakhary. At far right in the background is the wonderfully personable Julie Zakhary.
At my table (clockwise): City Engineer Mitch Davison and his wife, Building Inspector Cory Turnmire, and Kasia Redden.
Assistant to the City Manager Natalie Edwards, and City Manager Yost Zakhary.
Janet Schaffer and husband Troy.

Agenda for the November 22nd meeting

The agenda for the November 22nd meeting has been posted on the City website here. Items of special interest include a quarterly presentation by the Woodway Finance Department, several Special Use Permit considerations, an Executive Session on the Hwy 84 well rehabilitation, and a time to hear from visitors (not necessarily in that order).

Monday, November 8, 2010

The November 8th meeting

The meeting opened at 5:31 pm, and Councilman Scott Giddings gave the invocation.

Then was a time to honor the previous City Council members for their service. I believe this was Mayor Bill Weber's idea (and a good one), and he mentioned that for a long time he had felt that the transition from the old Council to the new was too brief and some recognition of service was in order. All four immediate past Council members were present to receive their official Council portraits and a nice wooden box (I didn't catch what was in them). First came Barbara Tennison, then Robert Humphrey, Jerry Don Mathis and finally Dee Smith. All four spoke briefly of their experience on the Council, though I'm not fast enough at writing to do them justice. But Dee Smith said that she had "enjoyed three years and intended for it to be longer, thank you Mr. Garner." As I have written elsewhere, the previous Council members are outstanding people. I've gotten to know Barbara Tennison and Dee Smith a little, and found them to be very personable, sharp and funny. For example, on election day, some of us were in front of City Hall. When lunchtime came, Barbara told Bill Weber, "You can have my votes while I'm gone."!

Then Mayor Weber recognized Councilman Don Baker's many years of service as Mayor of Woodway (1994-2010). Mayor Weber said he deplored the "rather inglorious way this works", referring to the changing of mayors at the first meeting of the new Council as "musical chair day". Mayor Weber presented Councilman Baker with a plaque that recognized his contribution. Don said he hoped there was room at the bottom where it said "1994-2010" to add "2011-on" later! And he commended the quality of the City Staff during his term.

Then came Yard of the Month awards. Awards were made to the Kearney, Jennings, Schmeltekopf and Ayers families. Chris Kearney is a colleague of mine at Baylor, and a great guy in every way.

Then came the Quarterly Staff presentation, this one by the Woodway Public Safety Department. Assistant Chief Robert Smith went through both this year's and last's quarterly and annual statistics related to crime, etc., in Woodway. At the end, in typical fashion, Mayor Bill Weber asked what all this meant, basically asking for reasons for the trends. For example, was the increased Animal Control activity due to "the animals getting slower or City personnel getting faster?"! Asst. Chief Smith promised to have more such details at hand for the next report.

Then came a time for visitors. Kevin Draper came to ask about progress on the "windmill ordinance", that is, rules by which wind power generators might be installed in Woodway. City Engineer Mitch Davison responded to say that the ordinance has been worked out by the Council and is at the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. It is expected to get final approval by the Council in January. The Draper's have been seeking permission to install a wind generator for about a year now.

The Council then went into Executive Session for 45 minutes to discuss pending lawsuits and the Hwy 84 well rehabilitation. The open meeting resumed at 6:53 pm.

The next item was discussion/approval of plans by Rick Hagelstein to build a commercial office/warehouse to fabricate and customize various mobility and medical devices (wheelchairs, orthotics, etc.). This would be located along Hwy 84 just East of the Methodist Church, and was approved unanimously.

The next item was the newly revised Sign Ordinance. This was revised to correct for some omissions, and was approved unanimously. It is, however, likely to be amended to include a "grandfather clause" to exempt long-term existing signage from the current requirements.

Then came the Records Retention Ordinance. This was revised from the 1989 version to update to current practices. This passed unanimously.

Then was a discussion on the process to update the City Charter. Some sections of the City Charter are out of date and/or otherwise in need of modification. The Council had agreed that each member should try to identify a Woodway citizen to be on a panel to review the charter. So far, a little over half the Council has identified such a volunteer (I haven't yet, anyone interested?).

Then several "consent agenda" items were discussed. Most notable were the purchase of three new Public Safety vehicles ($79k before modification for police use), a new roof for the Family Center ($49k), and two zero-turn radius mowers ($5.3k and $6.6k, for 48" and 60" versions, resp.). These were approved unanimously.

Then came the City Manager's report, which was very brief. But I asked about one item, the water line issue on Elysian Lane. This came up at the last Council meeting, but I was absent and wanted to know where things stood. The basic problem is that the Hansen family has begun to develop a lot for a new house on that street, at significant cost, but the existing water line is only a 2" diameter one and is already serving 14 homes, well over its TCEQ-allowed capacity of about 8 homes. The cost of a new 6" line is significant, about $50k if contracted out. And it turns out that an outside contractor would be needed because the soil is very rocky and I'm told that Woodway doesn't have the trenching equipment needed for that. So I believe the current plan is to budget this cost for next year.

The meeting adjourned about 7:30 pm.

Some dates/events to note:

This Saturday (Nov. 13) is Pet Microchip Day, 8:00 am - noon at the Woodway Public Safety Department. Cost is $15 per pet, which I think is about half the cost elsewhere (based on my internet searches).

This Thursday (November 11) is a City holiday (Veteran's Day).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Agenda for November 8th meeting

The agenda for the next City Council meeting has been posted at the City website here. Items of interest include special recognition of the previous City Council, Yard of the Month awards, changes to the Sign ordinance and Records Retention ordinances, discussion of vehicle and equipment purchases, an Executive Session pertaining to several issues, and a time to hear visitors.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friends of the Arboretum

This evening was the Friends of the Arboretum event. I arrived just in time for the presentation of the new plans. About 50 people were in attendance. Various aspects of the plans for upgrading the facilities were presented by the three architects/landscape developers (see photo below), and the level of detail was impressive. It seems that every possible design feature has been optimized. These upgrades will allow two simultaneous weddings to take place, in better facilities, and still not disrupt public visitation of the grounds. And all this without drawing from the City's General Fund, costs being covered entirely by the Hotel Occupancy Tax. This is the culmination of extensive efforts by Arboretum Manager Janet Schaffer, her Assistant Megan Salinas, the Arboretum Board, City Manager Yost Zakhary and the MESA Group. (and probably a few more I'm not aware of)The MESA planning team.

Mayor Bill Weber and Arboretum Board Chair Dean Haun.

MESA design expert Tres, Arboretum Director Janet Schaffer and Youth Commission member Rayanne.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reception at the Arboretum

For past, present and future Friends of the Arboretum, this Thursday (November 4th) a reception will be held there. This is open to all, so please consider attending. The schedule is as follows:

5:30-5:45 pm: Tours of the grounds

5:45-6:15 pm: Socialize and hors d'oeuvres

Starting between 6:15 and 6:30 pm will be a presentation of
the plans for the Arboretum improvements. The designs are impressive, and if you haven't seen them already, I strongly encourage you to go by and see what is being planned. A decision on precisely how to fund the improvements will be before the City Council in the near future.

Also consider becoming a Friend of the Arboretum by adding an $8 per month fee to your water bill. The Arboretum website is here.