Friday, November 19, 2010

Woodway Employee Appreciation and Recognition Banquet

Woodway held a very enjoyable appreciation banquet this evening. Some employees (esp. public safety officers) had to work, but most everyone was in attendance. City manager Yost Zakhary presided, recognizing various City employees and making awards, too numerous to list completely here. But I'll mention a few that were given to people I happen to know. Natalie Edwards was recognized for 5 years of service, and Jennifer Canady for 10 years with the City. Kasia Redden earned one of the Customer Service Awards. Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer Albert Lopez earned the Innovation Award. Arboretum/Family Center Manager Janet Schaffer earned the Leadership Award. City Secretary Jeniffer Canady earned the Outstanding Service Award. Yost said, in part, that Jennifer had "triumphed through an especially challenging year, always with a smile." Which is very true. Jennifer Canady, Natalie Edwards and Donna Barkley are the sunshine around the City Council meetings. The City Manager Achievement Award went to Financial Officer William Klump. Many of the Woodway volunteers were also honored, including Beau Crosby, Ray Dobbs, Bert Hernandez and Wayde Hartman (Volunteer of the Year). Officer of the Year was Sgt. William Hitch. The food was great, catered by Big Daddy's. Some photos are shown below.
(left to right): City Attorney David Cherry, City Manager/Police Chief Yost Zakhary, Mayor Bill Weber and his wife Robin, and Lieutenant Bert Hernandez.
Animal Control Office Albert Lopez and his wife.
(left to right): Megan Salinas, Kasia Redden, Jennifer Canady, Donna Barkley and John Norman.
City Engineer Mitch Davison and Yost Zakhary. At far right in the background is the wonderfully personable Julie Zakhary.
At my table (clockwise): City Engineer Mitch Davison and his wife, Building Inspector Cory Turnmire, and Kasia Redden.
Assistant to the City Manager Natalie Edwards, and City Manager Yost Zakhary.
Janet Schaffer and husband Troy.