Sunday, January 30, 2011

A result of the January 24th meeting

I was unable to attend the January 24th meeting, but have listened to most of the audio file, which can be found here. Unfortunately, these audio files have no fast-forward or rewind, but such improvements are being considered.

One significant result of the meeting was providing the City staff direction on which route to pursue funding the Arboretum expansion project. Issuing General Obligation (GO) bonds would require a vote of Woodway residents while a Certificate of Obligation (CO) would not. I discussed these in the previous post. The Council did not take a formal vote, but was clearly in favor of the CO/non-election route by a 4 to 2 margin of those present (or 5 to 2 counting my own preference). So the tentative decision is to proceed without requiring an election. If you'd like to hear the proceedings, the discussion of this occurs near the end of the first audio file and carries into the first part of the second audio file.