Thursday, October 20, 2011

An upcoming opening on the Woodway City Council

I want to give anyone who wants to run for my seat on the Council plenty of notice: I won't be running for re-election in May. I have enjoyed being on the Council, have learned a lot and met a lot of good people, but I think there are some who really want a chance to be on the Council and who would do at least as good a job. If you are interested, this position requires that you live in Ward II (see map below for approximate boundaries). The filing deadline is in March; contact City Secretary Jennifer Canady (772-4480 or if you are interested. I hope someone on the Council will take over this blog, or start their own.

Incidentally, I have found that Woodway is very well run and the employees I know are hardworking, honest, and happy with their management. City Manager Yost Zakhary is very good at planning ahead and well-liked by the employees. Finance Director William Klump is extremely meticulous and honest. The staff I got to know the best ((Jennifer, Natalie and Donna) were great to work with. Every police officer I met was very professional and friendly. The Animal Control Office Albert Lopez is great at "finding new homes" for raccoons that I evicted from my attic. I also want to say that I am impressed with all of the other members of the City Council. To a person they are outstanding citizens and fine public servants.