Monday, January 9, 2012

Results of the January 9th meeting

Mayor Don Baker opened the meeting at 5:31 pm and called on the Reverend Charles Packard of the First Presbyterian Church in Woodway to make the invocation.

Then holiday decorating awards were given to the Corley, Waggener, Treese and Morris families (the last three were all present). Neighborhood awards were announced for the Wooded Crest, Buckingham Court, Ridgepoint Drive and Forest Oaks Circle areas for multi-family Christmas decorations.

Next was a time to hear from visitors, but none present chose to speak at this time.

Then were the quarterly presentations by the Public Safety Department (vehicle and home burglaries are up, as are assaults, but several categories of crimes are down) and the Community Services Development (14 homes or businesses are under construction in Woodway).

Then was a public hearing on an application to develop in a planned zoning area. This concerned details of the plans submitted earlier by representatives of John Cawthron to develop a lot near the Hollywood Theaters for a single story retail/medical building. The Council had requested a change or two from an earlier plan, which the developer provided. The Council voted to approve the application.

Then the Council discussed and voted on the meeting schedule through June, basically every second and fourth Mondays with a few changes to avoid holiday conflicts.

Then there was discussion of the Master Fee Schedule with respect to commercial and construction-related POD storage modules. The Council agreed with a staff recommendation to have no restrictions on either one, but to limit residential non-construction related POD usage to no more than 60 days per year with a permit.

Then came the consent agenda. Most noteworthy were:

(a) Bids to repair roof damage to the Community Services Building. Council member Jane Kittner suggested using more reflective shingles, probably at somewhat higher cost. City staff will investigate the cost of this and the Council will re-consider this item in the near future.

(b) A discussion of an "interlocal agreement" between the City and the County District Attorney's office on the division of the value of crime-related property and money seized by the Woodway Public Safety Department. Basically, this is a reaffirmation of a long-standing agreement that gives the City between 50-70% of such proceeds (depending on the details of the case), and the remainder goes to the County. This was necessary because of the change in County DAs recently.

(c) Appointment of Randall Riggs and Mitch Davison to the Bluebonnet Board, a water-related council of some relevance to Woodway water supplies.

The Council approved the consent agenda, exclusive of the roof repair item, unanimously.

In Council Reports, Councilman Scott Giddings reminded the group of the "Bound for the Brave" 5k/1K fun run being held on January 21st. This is a fundraiser by the Woodway Youth Commission to benefit the families of police officers who died in the line of duty. Registration is $20 ($25 on the day of the event) and includes a T-shirt. The event is announced on the City website here.

The meeting concluded at 6:20 pm.