Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Results of the February 27th meeting

Mayor Don Baker opened the meeting at 5:35 pm, and asked me to do the invocation.

There were no visitors to speak on general issues.

Item 3 was a proposed development in the Lake Forest Addition (off Estates just past the Arboretum). What are being considered are individually-owned "garden homes". This is only in the consideration phase, by developers that have experience with a similar project in Waco that has gone well. The Council seemed open to the idea even though some ordinance changes might be required. The City staff will explore the issues.

Item 4 was the "consent agenda" and consisted of several relatively routine things that are generally approved as a package, though any Council member can request that an item be pulled from this group for future consideration. This time around, the main things were a couple of well-related items, new bullet-resistant vests, re-appointment of the Municipal Judge and audio-visual equipment for the Arboretum (almost $50k but budgeted already).

(Incidentally, every Tuesday at 3:30 pm is municipal court with Judge Gobel, and on Thursdays trials are held as necessary, though generally avoided if possible. The public is, I believe, welcome at both of these.)

Item 5 was to act on the consent agenda, which was approved unanimously.

Item 6 was the City Manager's Report ("as submitted"), and Item 7 was City Council Reports (none).

The meeting adjourned at about 6:20 pm. The next meeting is next Monday, March 5th (to avoid spring break, otherwise it would have been a week later).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Results of the February 13th meeting

Mayor Don Baker opened the meeting at 5:30 and gave the invocation himself.

The next agenda item was to hear from visitors, but none chose to speak.

We then went to item 4, discussion of a plan to build a medical office building along the north side of Hwy 84 a few blocks from the intersection with Hwy 6. The plan was a good one, and the Council approved its progression to the Planning and Zoning Board. This proposal is scheduled to be discussed again for (I believe) final approval at the March 5th Council meeting (moved up from the 12th because of spring break).

We then returned to item 3, Executive Session to discuss pending litigation (O'Bric vs City of Woodway).

Having returned to normal session, we went over the consent agenda. The main items were repair of one well, construction of volleyball pits at the Woodway Family Center, and formally approving the general City election for Saturday May 12th, 2012. The consent agenda was approved unanimously.

About the May election: at that time, four Council positions will be elected, currently held by Gil Lillard, Paul Scibielski, Barbara Grandy and myself. I believe all of these except me (see earlier post) will be running for re-election. I have found that everyone on the Council is an asset to the City. Each of them is thoughtful and brings valuable insights to the issues we discuss. I imagine there are many in Woodway that would do a good job on the Council, but I call tell you that Gil, Paul and Barbara certainly do.

As for my position (Ward 2), I know that Mike Tambrella will be seeking to replace me on the Council. I'll post more on this later, but suffice it for now that Mike is an outstanding choice for the Council. He has extensive experience, including a long-term appointment to the Arboretum Board.

The meeting ended at 6:20 pm, one of the shorter sessions I have been part of.