For past, present and future Friends of the Arboretum, this Thursday (November 4th) a reception will be held there. This is open to all, so please consider attending. The schedule is as follows:
5:30-5:45 pm: Tours of the grounds
5:45-6:15 pm: Socialize and hors d'oeuvres
Starting between 6:15 and 6:30 pm will be a presentation of the plans for the Arboretum improvements. The designs are impressive, and if you haven't seen them already, I strongly encourage you to go by and see what is being planned. A decision on precisely how to fund the improvements will be before the City Council in the near future.
Also consider becoming a Friend of the Arboretum by adding an $8 per month fee to your water bill. The Arboretum website is here.