Monday, April 25, 2011

Results of the April 25th meeting

The audio recording of the meeting is available here.

Mayor Bill Weber opened the meeting promptly at 5:30 pm, and asked Councilman Don Baker to give the invocation.

Item 1 was a presentation by the Woodway Youth Commission and Corporal William Dudley of a donation of $1285.25 to the Family Abuse Center. They raised the money by gathering sponsorships for a dodgeball tournament. About ten of the YC members were present.

Item 2 was to hear from visitors, but none were present who wished to speak.

Item 3 was a quarterly report of Woodway finances by the always-prepared William Klump, Finance Director. The short version is that revenues are up slightly from last year, but expenses are up slightly as well.

Item 4 was a report by Bob Wallace on the rehabilitation of the Hwy 84 well. This well has been problematic since almost it’s beginning. The current issue is that the bacterial counts are coming back too high. These are not the worst kinds of bacteria but can cause serious problems for some people, especially those with suppressed immune systems. Mr. Wallace has received a recommendation from Joe Vickers, PG, that an attempt be made to chlorinate (and therefore sterilize) the portion of the aquifer surrounding this well. He is suggesting that we follow the recommendation, which has some precedent of success in East Texas but has probably never been used around here. A decision on this was not an action item on the agenda, but the Council did not object so I expect that this will go ahead. An earlier, somewhat less aggressive chlorination on this well failed, and I have serious doubts that this approach will work.

Item 5 was a presentation/discussion by/with Doug McNamee on a proposal to advertise Woodway hotels via Baylor sports events. This sounds like a good approach, includes several aspects (website, published ads, digital ads at basketball and baseball events). And the cost is not excessive (~ $19k, just over 1/3 of the mandated amount that the City spend on tourism-related advertising this year). The Council voted unanimously to authorize the City Manager to proceed with this.

Items 6 and 7 were the "consent agenda", not especially interesting this week, and were approved unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6:39 pm, one of the shorter meetings in the past year.