Wednesday, July 28, 2010

August 2nd Council meeting agenda

This Monday, August 2nd, is the next regular Woodway City Council meeting. The agenda has been posted on the City's website here. Here are some of the more interesting agenda items -

1. Presentation of Yard of the Month awards for the month of August.

2. Presentation to Woodway Public Safety Association from Blue Knights Motorcycle Club.

3. Semi-annual presentation – Carleen Bright Arboretum.

4. Semi-annual presentation – Woodway Family Center.

5. Presentation from First Southwest regarding financing options for proposed expansion
of the Carleen Bright Arboretum.

Note: As discussed at the last Council meeting, there are two basic ways to finance projects: with a General Obligation bond, which requires the citizen's approval via a bond election; or by issuing a Certificate of Obligation, which requires no election. There are good people already beginning to promote each of these approaches. But (as former Councilman Rodney Kroll pointed out at the last Council meeting) my campaign endorsed the idea of more citizen involvement in major City decisions. I still believe that, so I am going on the record as favoring a bond election. Former Councilwoman Dee Smith also spoke at the last meeting to say that we should take the Certificate of Obligation route, because citizens generally vote against borrowing even for worthy projects. I am very supportive of the Arboretum expansion, as it will make one of the best things about Woodway even better and will ultimately pay for itself. If there is a bond election, I hope the funding would be approved, but ultimately it is up to the residents of Woodway to decide.

6. Update presentation regarding proposed video production of City Council meetings.

Note: I think it was decided last Council meeting that the residents of Woodway would be contacted via their water bills to ask whether being able to watch the meetings as they happen was important, or whether archived files on the City website would be sufficient. I'll try to find out where this stands. Added 8/2: I'm told that Woodway residents are being contacted via their water bills for input on this issue. I believe this represents a new level of communication with the citizens of our city!


7. Update from Mayor Bill Weber regarding review by outside counsel of allegations against the City Manager/Police Chief made by a citizen.


8. Discussion and consider action on acceptance of 2010 ad valorem tax values as certified
by the McLennan County Appraisal District Board of Directors.

9. Follow-up discussion on proposed annual budget and ad valorem tax rate, and consensus
on proposed tax rate.

10. Discussion and consider action on Resolution R-10-09, revising the 2010 City Council
meeting schedule.


11. Hear visitors

This item provides visitors with the opportunity to address the City Council on any matter related to City business which is NOT listed as a separate item on the agenda. The City Council is unable to have dialogue with the visitors at this time, but will listen and may ask staff to provide follow-up. Handouts should be provided to the City Secretary at the beginning of the presentation and they will be distributed for the speaker. When each speaker arrives at the podium, his/her name and address must be stated for the record. Speakers are limited to three minutes each per Resolution R-87-11.

That's most of the agenda, the rest is available on the City website. Maybe I'll see you there.