Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th Arboretum Board meeting

Having recently been appointed as the City Council's liaison to the Carleen Bright Arboretum Board, I attended this evening’s meeting. Chair Dean Haun and five other Board members were present, plus Arboretum Director Janet Schaffer and her assistant, Megan Salinas. This group is tasked with oversight of the Arboretum and planning of its development. The main topic tonight was increasing “heads on beds”, meaning consideration of what might be done to increase the occupancy rates of Woodway hotels. Several ideas were discussed, including Megan’s work on getting the hotels to provide discounts to bridal parties who book the Arboretum facilities (two hotels are in various stages of doing so). It turns out that April-June are the busiest months for weddings at the Arboretum. Near the end of the meeting, discussion turned to the possibility of the Arboretum beginning to host the Woodfest gathering again, which was remarkably popular and well-attended during the several years it had been held previously.

After the meeting, there was a tour of the upper garden area to look at some erosion problems. Board member Mike Woodson took the lead on discussing what might be done about this in various areas. The highlight of the event was the appearance of two of Woodway’s most special residents, Mr. and Mrs. Roadrunner, just back from an extended vacation, I’m told. The roadrunners are so comfortable with the Arboretum staff that they are known to tap on the windows when they want food or attention. Tonight they came very close, especially the smaller female, easily within ten feet at times. Too bad I didn’t have any food for them. Are you wondering what their favorite food is? I’ll let you ask Janet next time you see her...!

(sorry, not the Woodway roadrunner, just a stock photo.)